Friday, October 7, 2022

October Meeting


 Southern Oregon Fly Tyers

Meeting on Tuesday, October 11, 2022

6:00 PM

 Madrone Hill Mobile Home Park


8401 Old Stage Road, Gold Hill


At the October meeting, Dave McCants will be our demonstration fly tyer of the evening.  Dave will tie three different Blue Wing Olive patterns.  We all know that some of the most subtle variations in flies can make all the difference.  This is going to be a good one so don’t miss it.  See photos and recipes at the bottom of the posting.


Dave McCants would like a count so we could plan a better meeting.  Tell Dave you plan to be there by text or call 541 97three 350eight or email davetyer177atgmaildotcom.


Now that the Pandemic has subsided perhaps we can get back to somewhat normal activities.  Some of us and our family members have underlying conditions so please feel free and comfortable in wearing a mask.


Flies for Water Watch Auction


Madrone Hill Mobile Home Park invites us to use this perfect venue for no fee other than flies donated to Water Watch.  Bring your donated flies to the meetings.  We put the flies in fly boxes that are sent to their annual fund raiser.  All that material you have stashed away needs a new home.  The people who bid on these flies may or may not fish so do not be afraid to be colorful and creative.  We have fly boxes to put them in.  We need Water Watch to keep on doing their magic.

Keep Reading



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   Contact your fly tyer friends to make sure they got the word. 

McBear’s BWO Parachute

A Hi-Viz Blue Winged Olive Dry Fly

Hook              -           Daiichi 1180 mini barb Dry Fly Hook #14-16


Thread           -           Uni 8/0 Olive


Tail                 -           Four Tail fibers (2 ea. Side) separated with one turn of Uni 8/0


New thread  -           Veevus 12/0 or 16/0 olive thread


Abdomen      -           BWO Superfine or brown olive or similar dubbing


Wing             -           Yellow poly yarn tied parachute style


Hackle           -           Medium dun or blue dun 8-10 wraps.

This pattern can be fished anytime Blue Winged Olives (BWO) are on the water.  Especially on the Rogue River in November through March between 11:30 and 2:30 when the hatch is coming off in large numbers.



McBear’s Version Quigley Emerger BWO

A More Complex Blue Winged Oliver Emerger Pattern

Hook              -           Partridge Klinkhammer #14-16 or TMC 2487 #14/16

Thread           -           Uni 8/0 Olive dun


Tail                 -           Three well rounded ostrich secondary barbs

 from a feather duster ($6 buys a lot of material) 

Abdomen      -           BWO Superfine or similar dubbing

Rib                  -           Uni 6/0 black thread


Wing             -           Elk body (dyed dun or standard color) tied                                                                            in forward.


Hackle           -           Medium dun or blue dun 3-4 wraps.

This pattern can be fished anytime Blue Winged Olives (BWO) are on the water.  Especially on the Rogue River in November through March between 11:30 and 2:30 when the hatch is coming off in large numbers!


Silver Hat Special BWO

Hook: Nymph 1XL 1XH, size 14/16/18 (TMC 3761 preferred), Emerger dry fly hook standard 1xL.

Thread: Uni 8/0 in Olive (Olive Dun for darker version) Tail: 5-9 barbules of Fluorescent Yellow (or Flouro

Green) wet hackle fibers

Body: BWO Superfine Dubbing (use light olive for the lighter version)

Wing: Silver Antron (or Zelon or standard carpet yarns) - The Emerger has a longer wing of Iron Blue Dun CDC or Medium Dun CDC (trim emerger wing so it goes to the middle of the tail, that way the CDC will hang on the surface and the body tail will be subsurface).