Sunday, October 30, 2022

November Meeting

                                          Southern Oregon Fly Tyers

Meeting on Tuesday, November 8, 2022

6:00 PM

 Madrone Hill Mobile Home Park


8401 Old Stage Road, Gold Hill


At the November meeting, Mark Swanberg will be our demonstration fly tyer of the evening.  Mark will tie the Orange Shellback Nymph.  Mark has the story of how to fish this fly that is quite compelling.  This is going to be a good one so don’t miss it.  See photos and recipes at the bottom of the posting.


Dave McCants would like a count so we could plan a better meeting.  Tell Dave you plan to be there by text or call 541 97three 350eight or email davetyer177atgmaildotcom.


Now that the Pandemic has subsided perhaps we can get back to somewhat normal activities.  Some of us and our family members have underlying conditions so please feel free and comfortable in wearing a mask.


Flies for Water Watch Auction


Madrone Hill Mobile Home Park invites us to use this perfect venue for no fee other than flies donated to Water Watch.  Bring your donated flies to the meetings.  We put the flies in fly boxes that are sent to their annual fund raiser.  All that material you have stashed away needs a new home.  The people who bid on these flies may or may not fish so do not be afraid to be colorful and creative.  We have fly boxes to put them in.  We need Water Watch to keep on doing their magic.

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Orange Shellback Nymph


TMC 2487 #14 Scud Hook

Danville 140 Denier Brown thread

Tail and legs – Brown barred partridge feather

Rib – Red Ultra Wire – Small

Abdomen and Thorax – rusty brown Awesome Possum Natural Nymph Dubbing

Shellback – orange goose biot


Bind in from front to back 5-6 brown barred partridge fibers with brown thread

Bind in from front to back red ultra wire rib

Dub rusty brown dubbing from back  to ¾ spot  of the way forward up the hook shank

Wind ultra wire rib forward, 6-7 wraps and cut off excess wire

Tie in Orange goose biot stem with tip facing backwards

Dub thorax over goose biot to within 1/64 of an inch of the eye.

Pull goose biot forward over the dubbing and tie off with 5-6 thread wraps. Bend back the  goose biot , tie it off and cut off excess biot material

Place 5-6 brown barred partridge hackle fibers on one side of the hook, near the eye and secure with thread. Adjust length of legs to about ½ of the length of the hook and tie in.  Repeat on other side of hook. Pull the partridge fiber butts backward and lash in.  

Whip finish and trim excess partridge butts.

Finish head with head cement.


I use this fly as a trailing fly, approximately 24-30 inches behind a leech pattern.  It can be stripped or wind drifted with a pulsing sensation.  This is a great fly to pick up five or six extra fish at Diamond Lake.  Usually my biggest German Browns are caught on this fly during the day.  Because the fly is small I usually lose about twice as many fish as I land on this fly so the fly brings a lot of action throughout the day beyond the actual catch rate.  I have caught fish at every lake that I have fished using this pattern and it seems to work all year.


Mark Swanberg