Southern Oregon Fly Tyers
Meeting on Tuesday, October 8, 2019
6:00 PM
8401 Old Stage Road, Gold Hill
I love volunteer organizations like Southern Oregon Fly Tiers because everyone is involved just because he/she loves its purposes. Everyone accepts a responsibility to see it happen, for planning, for setup, for raffle, for coffee, buying tickets or just participating does so out of a devotion. In my workshop at FFI Fair this summer, we discussed this fact. Everyone who was there came from a distance, paid for housing and food, paid $40 for the workshop and expended the effort out of devotion to fly fishing, fly tying and demonstrating.
Vic’s presence this coming Tuesday night, volunteering to come from his home in Eugene to present for us, is a great example of the same devotion. Such devotion is only one of the reasons the Oregon Council, in 2014, designated him Fly Tier of the Year. Other reasons given by one who is more familiar with Vic than I, stated “Not only is he a great tier, but he is a heck of a nice guy.” So I know that we are all looking forward to watching and hearing Vic’s presentation.
Below are pictures of the patterns Vic will be demonstrating. (Dan Kellogg told me last month that he was planning to be away, so there will be no Tech Table this session.) --Ed Morphis
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Vic’s, Mega Prince
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Vic’s Posse Bugger
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Vic’s Beaded Soft Hackle