Monday, September 30, 2024

October 8th, 2024 Meeting


Oct 8, 2024 Meeting

  Oct  Meeting        Southern Oregon Fly Tyers      


                         Meeting on Tuesday Oct 8th,  2024      

                                                 6:00 PM

                         Madrone Hill Mobile Home Park

                          8401 Old Stage Road, Gold Hill

                                       This evenings tyer:

                                                          Steve Day

 Steve will be tying: Steve O's  B.O.W.


Tuesday, September 3, 2024

September 10, 2024 Meeting Fly Tying Links

 Dave McCants sends out these fly tying links:

 Subject: Sawyer Pheasant Tail Nymph - tied by Hans Weilenmann


 Subject: Grey goose nymph – how to tie


Subject: Tying Frank Sawyer's "Killer Bug" - CHADWICK 477 SUBSTITUTE (Nymphs) by BK


Flies for Water Watch of Oregon


Flies for Water Watch Auction


Madrone Hill Mobile Home Park invites us to use this perfect venue for no fee other than flies donated to Water Watch.  Bring your donated flies to the meetings.  We put the flies in fly boxes that are sent to their annual fund raiser.  All that material you have stashed away needs a new home.  The people who bid on these flies may or may not fish so do not be afraid to be colorful and creative.  We have fly boxes to put them in.  We need Water Watch to keep on doing their magic.

September 10, Meeting Notes


September Meeting Notes

Subject: BBQ dinner

Hey fellow fly tyers,

We had to cancel our June BBQ dinner meeting because so few people signed up. 

We would like to take a few minutes at the Sept meeting to discuss the future of the “BBQ dinner”; please bring your thoughts.

On another note, our meeting attendance appears to be dropping so please bring a friend. 

An added discussion on how to attract additional tyers to our group would also be helpful.

I am looking forward to seeing everyone at the September meeting.


Dale Burrier

Sunday, September 1, 2024

September 10, 2024 Meeting

  Sept  Meeting        Southern Oregon Fly Tyers      


                         Meeting on Tuesday Sept 10th,  2024      

                                                 6:00 PM

                         Madrone Hill Mobile Home Park

                          8401 Old Stage Road, Gold Hill

                                       This evenings tyer:

             Dave will be tying three Frank Sawyer nymphs:





Saturday, June 8, 2024

Tuesday June 11th BBQ Dinner Meeting Cancelled

 The SOFT TYERS club BBQ dinner meeting has been cancelled due to very low signups.

We will have the BBQ dinner and raffle at the September meeting.

Additionally, at the September meeting, Dave McCants will be tying tying Frank Sawyer nymphs.

